Burnout: Causas, Sintomas, Prevenção e Soluções
O Poder do apoio psicológico nas empresas
There Are No Impossibles
At Peças do Puzzle we participate in several lectures and events where we share our experience with young entrepreneurs, helping them to enhance their dreams and goals, transmitting that yes, it is possible, although sometimes it seems exactly the opposite. As I always say, "There are no impossibles!". And that's the message we always want to pass.
Re-Learn To Live
At Peças do Puzzle we are developing a pro bono therapeutic group for grieving parents. It will be developed and accompanied by psychologists duly trained and accredited for this purpose. Since parental mourning is such a sensitive theme, with so few responses to psychological intervention, we feel the need to fill this gap, allowing this mourning, almost impossible to do, to be accompanied and supported, so that these parents can relearn to live.